Tuesday, April 9, 2013

9 months old

HOLY COW! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Stella home from the hospital.  I know I have been MIA and haven't been keeping up on my blog like I said I would, bad me! I had planned on writing an entry for Thanksgiving and our trip to Hot Springs and Illinois and still plan on it.  I have so many pictures and videos. I also have been working on a home movie using all of our pictures and videos..it has just taken time (that I don't have) and I haven't gotten around to posting anything about it.  We had a blast and it was much needed family time! Now, onto our knucklebutt.

Stella turned 9 months old March 29th.  It is hard to believe that in 3 short months it will already be a year since she was born.  It is such a bittersweet moment to know that she will never be this little again and we will never have these moments again.  I try so hard to remember all the little things she does on a daily basis because " I don't want to miss a thing" insert cheesy Aerosmith song here.  Stella started crawling the week after she turned 8 months old and she has been on the go ever since! She now pulls up on EVERYTHING! She thinks she can let go and stand by herself but she hasn't quite mastered that.  She stands whenever she gets the chance.  Even if she is playing with something on the ground she will stand, while still touching whatever it is.  Yes, picture this, hands on the ground, butt in the air.  It's so funny but she is building those little leg muscles.  You can tell when she has been standing a little too long cause her little legs start to quiver and finally give out.  She is now standing in her crib too.  She is so funny to watch on the monitor.  She sure is a restless sleeper.  I swear she covers every sq inch of that crib every night.  Other than that she smiles when she sees you, especially her daddy, laughs at the dogs, they must look really funny, and reaches for you when someone else is holding her.  That is probably the sweetest thing ever.  Just the other day Dalton was holding her and she reached her arms out for me.  It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.  We still have NO teeth! Not that I am complaining and I want her to be cranky, but if she had some teeth we could open up our food options a little bit. We had our 9 month check up this past Thursday and she is growing just fine.  Dr said she is perfectly proportioned.  She is almost 20lbs and 28inches tall.  I love this little girl to pieces!

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