Saturday, June 29, 2013

A YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Knucklebutt, a year ago today you came into our lives and made them better.  It sounds so cliché to say that, but it is so true.  The moment I met you my heart expanded in ways I didn't even know were possible, and not just in love for you, but in love for your father.  There is something about creating a life together from the love you have for each other and seeing that love look back into your eyes that cannot be explained in words.  In this year, things have changed so much, yet I honestly could not imagine going back to a life without you.  Every day I see you become smarter and stronger.  You are independent, like me, and you have a good sense of humor like your daddy.  You are beautiful from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and everywhere in between.  I hope you never doubt the love we have for you and I hope you will be proud to call us your parents, like we are proud to call you our daughter.  The words from My Wish by Rascal Flats sum it up in a nutshell:
 My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,

Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too"

I know there will be times that my patience is tested, and I know there will be times that will be tough, but I hope you will always know that no matter what, you are loved to the ends of the Earth and beyond.  We will always be here for you, supporting you and loving you.  We are, and will always be, your biggest fans.  Sometimes I wonder if there will ever come a time in my life that I have forgotten what you were like as a baby, and then I remind myself, that it will always seem like I just brought you home yesterday.   As I write this, I cannot help but feel a little sad.  This year has whizzed by quicker than I wanted it to, and even though it has been amazing to watch you grow and learn new things, I want to keep you this small forever.  I know there will come a time when you won't want to hang out with us, or cuddle with us, that you might even be embarrassed by us, so I know that I have to savor all of these little moments now.  I am excited to see you grow into a young woman, to see you realize all your dreams, and to eventually start your own family.  Your daddy and I love you to pieces little girl.  You are my dream come true, and if I never accomplish anything else in my life other than giving birth to such a beautiful and amazing life, my life would still be complete.  

With all our love, 
Mommy and Daddy

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