So I decided to play in the Fast Eddies stop this weekend held at the Fast Eddies off of 1960. I haven't been playing in many tournaments, and since Dalton was going to be back on Sunday anyways, still in the winners I decided I would go as well. I didn't do that great. I was on and off. Ended up getting 7th-8th. Dalton got 5th-6th. I was happy with one win in particular though. I'm not even going to bother mentioning this persons name, but we all know her, and most have had problems with her before. I tend to have a difficult time playing her. She free strokes A LOT and doesn't really play shape... it's a little annoying to watch and she just rubs me the wrong way. So, our match is announced... I go to the table, we flip the coin and I get the break. I tell her I am going to run to the bathroom, the whole time her attitude stinks. I win the first game. I get up to rack and as I walk away from the table back to my seat I realize she is re-racking my rack. Ok whatever. She looks up and says " The one ball rolled off. " I say ok.. and she asks me if I want to check it, I say no. I think she wins that one. Next time it is my turn to rack I rack, taking a lot of time, because the tables weren't racking that great. I get the balls frozen and walk away. As I walk past her she says " You can't see that the fucking one ball isn't touching anything? " OK, at this point I am annoyed. I respond with " If the one ball rolled off after I walked off that's not my fault." She says " It didn't roll off you didn't rack them right from the get go." Meanwhile I am trying to rack and she says "I gave you the chance to come look at it." She then says " You got a fucking attitude." I warn her not to cuss at me and she replies " I'll say whatever the fuck I want." So I say " and you can rack your own racks too." I go sit down knowing full well she is trying to get under my skin because she isn't playing well. This is just the type of player she is. After she racks she looks up at me with this stupid hand gesture like " see? " So I say " What do you want me to tell you... you rack better than I do.. congratulations." I am so annoyed at this point my heart is pounding my temperature is rising and I am trying to really not go off on her. As she walks past me she says " You really are a bitch aren't you." Now normally if I was in a bar, this might have escalated a lot more. I say " If you think I am a bitch now... I am about to show you what a bitch looks like." I know.. I probably shouldn't have even responded but I couldn't help myself. She asks me what I am going to do... the whole time I am thinking in my head... I AM GOING TO POUND YOU!!!!!
The rest of the match was a blur... I end up beating her and when I run out the last rack she makes a disgusted noise and starts packing up her sticks. I say good game and walk off. WHAT A BITCH!!!!! She didn't even have the common courtesy to shake my hand. Go figure. It was pure pleasure to put her out of the tournament... and nothing else that day even mattered. LOL Sad but true...
I am working really hard at not letting my emotions get to me during a match, and all in all I feel I am doing pretty good. If you would have seen my second match in Vegas that would have been proof enough. I know that most women feel like they have something extra to prove since most people think this is a man's sport... but seriously.. do you have to be so ugly to the other women you play too??????